The deadline for submitting abstracts is 14 February 2025!

Please see the author guidelines on the Abstract template page and download the detailed instructions.

Authors must submit their abstracts to the Taylor & Francis online portal and upload a copy of that version through this platform. This dual submission process is necessary to ensure your abstract is published in the journal.

In short, your abstract will not be considered officially submitted until both steps are completed:

  1. Submission to the Taylor & Francis online portal!
  2. Uploading a copy of that version (PDF file) on this page! (blinded version)

Please ensure that both submissions are completed to avoid any delays or complications. Please see the detailed instructions or use the PDF viewer below.

Full details of the terms and conditions of the Footwear Awards and detailed inclusion/exclusion criteria!

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Current status
I am considering my abstract for an award! Each year the organizers of the Footwear Biomechanics Symposium present awards to presenters at the conference. To be eligible for the FBS2025 Footwear Awards, presenters must be the first author, present their research in person, and submit an online application by February 14, 2025. Those eligible include oral and poster presenters who meet these criteria, but not full professors, research leaders, keynote or invited lecturers, members of the award committee, or previous winners with similar topics. Symposium presenters must adhere to presentation times and present original research. A single application covers all award categories, and presentations will be ranked by the awards committee. Full details of the terms and conditions of the Footwear Awards as well as detailed inclusion/exclusion criteria can be viewed at the link on the bottom of the page. Please indicate below if you wish to be considered for a FBS2025 Footwear Award, and that confirm that you have read the terms and conditions and are eligible for an award.