Here, you will find complete instructions and the template for the abstract submission.

Download the full instructions for the submission here, or use the PDF viewer below.

The Abstract submission process is a two-step process

  1. A PDF document of the abstract email uploaded via the Abstract submission page used for blinded peer review (use the template)
  2. A Word document of the abstract uploaded to the Footwear Science submission portal.

For abstracts, the main criteria are:

  • Times New Roman, font size 12
  • Keep the formatting from the template.
  • The number of characters has to be less than 4000 (without spaces but including references, tables, and figure legends)
  • Only two tabular or graphical items in the abstract – this can be:
    • Two graphs or,
    • Two tables or
    • One graph and one table, but
    • maximal two items or less.
    • No colors in the text, figures, or tables used the grayscale color scheme to differentiate.
  • The final document must be less than two pages.

Please let us know whether you are participating in an award when submitting your abstract.

I recommend using Edge to download the template. For Chrome users, if the download button is not working, click “save link as”. You may have to click keep and download the insecure file.